In my books, I make several supplement recommendations based on my clinical experience and the research presented by the fine folks at To remind you, Examine doesn’t sell supplements, only information about them based on the latest and greatest research.
All supplement companies are not created equal, however, and what you can get down the street at your local drugstore or even many health food stores is often made from sub-par ingredients from China or wherever. My suggestion is that you get your supplements from a company that makes its own products and does so in the U.S.
To that end, I’ve created an online store where you can get the good stuff without having to leave your house. Just go here, set up an account, and start shopping. I’ve got a list of my most common recommendations on the page called “Doc G’s monthly supplement list.” There you will find my directions for how much of what to take and why.
If we’ve spoken about supplements at the office, or if you’ve read them in the book, and you have any questions, please contact me. I’m here to help.